Part 5

Partly cos I want to burn him and rebait him, and partly cos of a conversation I had with another baiter a little earlier in the week, I made a request for a scan of "her" underwear (and I apologise for all the vomit covered keyboards that just caused)

[19:33] xxxxxx: hi.
[19:33] love_yayo: Hello..Love
[19:33] xxxxxx: how are you today?
[19:33] love_yayo: I got ur offline and i well like as to talk abou that my love
[19:33] love_yayo: Am very Fine and u ?
[19:34] xxxxxx: ok. what's news with the piercings?
[19:34] love_yayo: I well like to do that for u so that it well Really make u happy and keep stroug of our Relationship..
[19:35] xxxxxx: ok that's good. so you can sort out a price list?
[19:36] love_yayo: I just want ther ask them how much well be th cost ..So i well like to know the place u wish me to do that for and they can let me know the amount of that..
[19:37] xxxxxx: ok. i'll need a written receipt to put in for my accountant
[19:37] love_yayo: Okay..
[19:37] xxxxxx: are we agreed on 2 nipple piercings and your clitoris?
[19:38] love_yayo: Mr Brian then we have to pay before we can have the receip for that..
[19:38] love_yayo: Yeah..
[19:38] xxxxxx: i'll need to have a letter saying how much it is before i can release the money. i'd imagine it won't be cheap
[19:39] love_yayo: Sure..
[19:39] xxxxxx: did he give you any idea how much it would be?
[19:39] love_yayo: Nope..
[19:39] xxxxxx: you'd think he'd have told you something
[19:40] love_yayo: Then i have to call them so that i can have the ..E-mail so that u well mail them ur self and know that amount of that..Do u like it that why ?
[19:40] xxxxxx: just get him to email meat this address
[19:41] love_yayo: Okay..So Do u agree me giveing them Ur mail Adderss love..
[19:41] xxxxxx: of course
[19:41] love_yayo: Thank u
[19:42] love_yayo: So how was ur Sunday..?
[19:42] xxxxxx: not bad. tell me, do you have a scanner in the internet cafe?
[19:42] love_yayo: They have..
[19:43] xxxxxx: good. cos i'd need the stuff scanned
[19:43] love_yayo: Okay..
[19:43] love_yayo: I well prove u that oaky..
[19:43] xxxxxx: that's fine. so what are you wearing today?
[19:45] love_yayo: Am on short jeans shirt and white top
[19:45] love_yayo: And u
[19:45] xxxxxx: jeans and tee shirt. how about your underwear? what are you wearing?
[19:46] love_yayo: White underwear..
[19:46] xxxxxx: nice.
[19:46] love_yayo: Thank u
[19:46] xxxxxx: i wish i could see it
[19:47] love_yayo: Really..
[19:47] xxxxxx: definately
[19:47] love_yayo: i wish am there now liveing with u
[19:47] xxxxxx: would you do something for me? say you will
[19:48] love_yayo: Only the thing u promise to send me Thats..
[19:48] xxxxxx: i don't understand you
[19:49] love_yayo: Something like what?
[19:49] xxxxxx: i want you to do this for me. as a sign of how you feel for me
[19:50] love_yayo: I well do that as i also love u with all my Heat and soul..
[19:50] xxxxxx: ok. this is what i want you to do for me
[19:50] love_yayo: I well
[19:50] xxxxxx: go to the toilet, whip off your undies and scan them for me to see. ok?
[19:51] love_yayo: Say all ur wish Cose ur wish is my commande
[19:51] xxxxxx: ok. do that for me then. i want to see your underwear
[19:51] love_yayo: u will get the opportunity to see more of that when we get to meet okay
[19:52] xxxxxx: i know that but i'd like to see what you have on right now
[19:52] love_yayo: i cant do it now
[19:52] xxxxxx: why not?
[19:52] love_yayo: cos i dont have a digital camera
[19:52] xxxxxx: no. put them under the scanner and scan them.
[19:53] love_yayo: i dont have a scanner and i browse in a cafe
[19:53] xxxxxx: you just said the cafe has a scanner. you can do it if you're discreet
[19:54] love_yayo: no i cant cos it is men who handle affairs here and when we are able to get me a digital camera i could do that for you
[19:54] love_yayo: i respect myself and not everyone can see my nakedness
[19:55] xxxxxx: you can take them off in the toilet and slip it under a piece of paper so no one would know
[19:55] love_yayo: i cant
[19:55] xxxxxx: so you won't do it for me?
[19:56] love_yayo: i will if u can get me a digital camera
[19:57] love_yayo: u pay for scanning over here
[19:57] love_yayo: it is not for free and it is the attendant who will do it for yuou
[19:57] xxxxxx: i'll reimburse you when i send the money tomorrow
[19:57] love_yayo: i dont understand that
[19:58] xxxxxx: i mean whatever it costs i'll cover
[19:59] love_yayo: yeah and so when u get to send it tmrw i will do it and send it for you
[20:01] xxxxxx: other women have done that for me with no problems. maybe you don't love me as much as you're saying you do
[20:02] love_yayo: i will do it for you tmrw
[20:02] xxxxxx: no. i want you to do it today for me. tomorrow will be too late.
[20:03] love_yayo: it cant be done and we dont have a toilet over her e
[20:04] xxxxxx: so nip out to one and do it. i can't see what the problem is. other women have been willing to do it for me
[20:05] love_yayo: Honey..Why can't just understand me..???
[20:06] xxxxxx: here's the deal. you scan your underwear today and i'll send you the money tomorrow. don't do it and i won't send the money.
[20:07] love_yayo: I dont really understand u well
[20:07] love_yayo: I have told u about the cafe here ..
[20:08] xxxxxx: it's simple. no scan, no money. your choice
[20:09] love_yayo: I can't do that Todat its very later my love..
[20:09] love_yayo: Just understand me Right..U may think am here for ur money but is not like that .
[20:10] xxxxxx: the internet cafe is open so it can't be too late. it's your choice now. either you scan your underwear for me or you don't get the money. hell, other women have even posted them to me.
[20:11] love_yayo: Then i well post that if u dont mind that..
[20:11] xxxxxx: no. i want to see a scan of them first like they did. i'll give you an hour to do it or no money for you
[20:12] love_yayo: Honey..why dont u wnat to understand me that its men who work here in the cafe.
[20:13] xxxxxx: i've made my decision. no scan, no money
[20:13] xxxxxx: there's plenty of women who'd do it for me
[20:14] love_yayo: So do u wnat me to scane only the underwear..
[20:14] love_yayo: ??
[20:15] xxxxxx: yes. you can write my name on them or on a piece of paper next to them so i know you're not trying to trick me. your choice. but you have an hour to do it
[20:16] love_yayo: Can we make that twrm
[20:16] xxxxxx: make that what?
[20:17] love_yayo: The Scaning i promise to make that for u twm .My Love..
[20:17] xxxxxx: what's twm?
[20:17] love_yayo: The underwear scaneing
[20:18] xxxxxx: what do you mean by twm?
[20:18] love_yayo: Plzz try to understand me Right..
[20:19] xxxxxx: understand me. i know what i want and i've given you the choice. either a scan of your underwear in an hour or you don't get a single penny off me
[20:20] love_yayo: I can't do that today...Try and understand me too.
[20:20] xxxxxx: then no money
[20:20] love_yayo: I well do that later.. For u
[20:20] love_yayo: Twm..
[20:22] love_yayo: can u give me 5mins so that u i well call me the man for the E-mail adderss.. so that u can mail him and ask hin for the amount ??
[20:22] xxxxxx: nothing until i get the scan. and if you don't do it in an hour then i'm not giving you anything.
[20:23] love_yayo: I said later..
[20:23] xxxxxx: and i said within the hour. remember who's sending who money here
[20:23] love_yayo: Honey u know am in public why dont u wnat to understand me..
[20:23] xxxxxx: 1 hour
[20:24] love_yayo: Plzzzzzzzz
[20:24] love_yayo: I saw by God i well do that for u later my love..Try and understand .
[20:24] xxxxxx: no. 1 hour or don't bother contacting me again. i can easily find someone else
[20:25] love_yayo: Why are u saying this..
[20:25] xxxxxx: because i made my decision
[20:25] xxxxxx: now either put up or shut up
[20:25] love_yayo: Am very sorry for that..okay
[20:26] love_yayo: Mr Brian why dont u wnat to understand me..
[20:26] xxxxxx: i understand you. but you need to understand me. all the arguing you're doing is just wasting time
[20:28] love_yayo: Honey Reson why am saying this becose of the guys who works here in the cafe and i well like to do that in new were women works.. so that i can do that and feel very happy of that..
[20:29] xxxxxx: 50 minutes. don't even bother talking ot me til you've scanned them
[20:31] love_yayo: Honey I really love u much and i dont wnat to lose u for the rest of my whole life.. So plz try and understand me as am with u there and we are talking on the bed Right.
[20:31] xxxxxx: quit wasting my fucking time. go scan your underwear and THEN talk to me. otherwise don't bother
[20:32] love_yayo: Oh..U make me feel very sad here...Honey
[20:32] xxxxxx: 45 minutes
[20:33] love_yayo: Look Can we talk i well let u know that i really loved u and care for u much..So try and understand me for this.
[20:33] love_yayo: When i make that i well send it to ur mail twm afternoon
[20:39] love_yayo: I well be back..
[20:39] *** "love_yayo" signed off at Sun Feb 11 20:39:34 2007. 

I doubt this lad even knew what womens underwear looks like, so I figured either this bait was now officilly dead or the lad was way stupider than I ever imagined.

Click here for part 6