Part 4

[19:38] xxxxxx: hey.
[19:38] love_yayo: How are u doing there?
[19:38] xxxxxx: not bad. what's with you?
[19:38] love_yayo: Cool..
[19:39] love_yayo: I all about that i mss u much thats all
[19:39] xxxxxx: what've you been doing today?
[19:40] love_yayo: Well all is good with me My love..
[19:40] love_yayo: Can i ask u something..?
[19:40] xxxxxx: sure
[19:40] love_yayo: Do u chat with many people..?
[19:40] xxxxxx: you asked me that alerady and i told you i chat with a few other people too
[19:41] love_yayo: Okay..Cose i can see that when am online something u dont chat with me thats why am asking u that..
[19:42] xxxxxx: i'm not always at the computer. my connections is always on but i'm not always here
[19:42] love_yayo: Okay..
[19:42] love_yayo: Honey were u abli to do the Resend of the money ?
[19:43] xxxxxx: haven't you heard about the weather here? the snow was so bad everything was shut
[19:43] love_yayo: Oh Fine...The Weather here is very hot
[19:44] xxxxxx: not here. bikini weather with you then?
[19:44] love_yayo: Yeah..
[19:44] love_yayo: Honey were u abli to do the Resend of the money ?
[19:44] xxxxxx: no. i just told yoy all the banks are shut because of the weather. as well as 3/4 of the shops
[19:45] love_yayo: Okay..
[19:45] love_yayo: So have u try to buy the Dildo and others for me?
[19:45] xxxxxx: not yet. have you decided what else you want yet?
[19:46] love_yayo: Yeah..
[19:46] xxxxxx: ok. what other toys do you want me to buy you?
[19:46] love_yayo: Yes..
[19:47] xxxxxx: what ones?
[19:47] xxxxxx: you already said a dildo and a butt plug. what else would you like?
[19:49] love_yayo: Well.....I well also if u can get me a Cell phone so that i can get intouch with u all the time.
[19:50] xxxxxx: of course but they don't sell that in a sex shop do they? we can come to other presents later. i still want to make you up a parcel from the sex shop.
[19:51] love_yayo: Okay..
[19:51] love_yayo: wowo
[19:52] love_yayo: Am gree with that love..
[19:52] xxxxxx: so what else would you like from the sex shop? what about underwear?
[19:53] love_yayo: it is real hot here cos we have the sun very high here
[19:53] love_yayo: perfumes
[19:53] xxxxxx: and the sun stops you wearing sexy underwear?
[19:54] love_yayo: yeah si
[19:54] love_yayo: i love the g strings lot
[19:54] xxxxxx: that's good. what colour g string do you like to wear?
[19:55] love_yayo: Blue
[19:55] xxxxxx: tell me, do you shave your pubic hair?
[19:56] love_yayo: yeah sometimes
[19:57] xxxxxx: do you shave it clean or leave a strip?
[19:57] love_yayo: Clean
[19:58] xxxxxx: excellent. smooth is good.
[19:58] xxxxxx: how about bras? what type do you like to wear?
[19:58] love_yayo: White
[19:58] love_yayo: Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons; scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures; my mind contains only you
[19:59] xxxxxx: so blue g- string and white bra?
[19:59] love_yayo: Yeah
[20:00] xxxxxx: ok. stockings and suspenders?
[20:00] love_yayo: yeah both of them
[20:01] xxxxxx: great. are you pierced?
[20:01] love_yayo: no only in the ears
[20:01] xxxxxx: ever thought about getting them anywhere else?
[20:02] love_yayo: Yes..
[20:02] xxxxxx: where?
[20:03] love_yayo: Get them from better shops
[20:04] xxxxxx: i man where else on your body were you thinking of having piercings?
[20:05] love_yayo: i dont think of doing it anywhere
[20:05] xxxxxx: no? never thought of having your nipples pierced?
[20:05] love_yayo: Do u really like me doing that for u ?
[20:05] xxxxxx: i'd love to see you with piercings
[20:06] love_yayo: Really..
[20:06] xxxxxx: definately
[20:06] love_yayo: Then i well do that when am cmoing over there to u Right
[20:06] xxxxxx: ok. so what parts will you have done for me?
[20:08] love_yayo: will u want me to have piercings when we meet ???
[20:09] xxxxxx: before we meet. or it'll be too sore when you're here
[20:09] love_yayo: Okay..Am very agree with that.
[20:10] xxxxxx: good. one thing that worries me though. the length of your periods. how many days in a month do you bleed?
[20:10] xxxxxx: every day?
[20:11] love_yayo: Nope..
[20:11] love_yayo: Three times a week
[20:11] xxxxxx: so 3 days every week?
[20:11] love_yayo: Yeah
[20:12] xxxxxx: ok. cos sex with a bleeding woman isn't my thing. on those days you'd have to take it up the ass. is that ok?
[20:12] love_yayo: Yeah
[20:13] love_yayo: If only the man is not going to cheat on is love thats all
[20:13] xxxxxx: ok good. so we can have normal sex on the days you don't bleed and you're happy to have anal sex 4 days out of the week?
[20:14] love_yayo: Yes..
[20:15] xxxxxx: ok good. and what sex toys will you use for me to watch?
[20:17] love_yayo: what is ur mind for me..? if i may ask u that
[20:17] xxxxxx: what do you mean?
[20:18] love_yayo: Which ones do u like much ?
[20:18] xxxxxx: i'm open to what you already like to use
[20:18] xxxxxx: what do you already use?
[20:18] love_yayo: Sure
[20:19] xxxxxx: how many do you already own?
[20:20] love_yayo: 1 and sometimes 2
[20:20] xxxxxx: what types?
[20:21] love_yayo: As i told u Cotton wool
[20:21] xxxxxx: i'm talking sex toys here. what ones do you already own?
[20:21] love_yayo: yeah we have 1 or 2
[20:22] xxxxxx: what types?
[20:22] love_yayo: i have the one that looks like dick and the rubber typen
[20:23] xxxxxx: do either use batteries?
[20:23] love_yayo: yeah gh]]]
[20:23] love_yayo: yeah they use batteries
[20:24] xxxxxx: ok. and which one do you use in your ass?
[20:26] love_yayo: i use both of them
[20:26] xxxxxx: at the same time?
[20:26] love_yayo: Yeah.. (BOTH?!?! Well that explains the bleeding!!)
[20:27] love_yayo: If I could change the alphabet, I would put U and I together.
[20:27] xxxxxx: ok. so what sex toys have we agreed on for you so far?
[20:28] love_yayo: three
[20:29] xxxxxx: what one are they? i only have two here
[20:31] love_yayo: i mean the two and we should make me get some piercings on me like u said
[20:31] xxxxxx: ok then, but you'll need to get them done there. is there anywhere that'll do it?
[20:32] love_yayo: Okay..
[20:32] xxxxxx: where would you like the piercings cos i'll have to pay the piercer to do it for you
[20:34] love_yayo: yeah and i will have to do it here and i will check how much it will cost for the piercing and i will like it on my navel and my nose
[20:34] xxxxxx: nowhere more intimate?
[20:34] love_yayo: where do u want e
[20:35] love_yayo: me to do i
[20:35] love_yayo: it again???
[20:35] xxxxxx: i want you to get some intimate piercings. nipples, pussy
[20:35] xxxxxx: will you do that for me?
[20:36] love_yayo: yeah but we need gl
[20:36] love_yayo: to check the cost
[20:37] xxxxxx: of course. if you get the person to write you out a receipt i can arrange payment for him
[20:37] love_yayo: yeah after paying there willl be receipt provided for it
[20:38] xxxxxx: of course. find out if he'll do it then send me the receipt for me to pay him
[20:38] love_yayo: send u a receipt before u pay the money \
[20:39] xxxxxx: that or get him to send me a receipt, i'll pay the money and you can have it done
[20:41] love_yayo: yeah that will better and i will give u his address and u talk to him and then after that u pay him and i get everything dine
[20:41] xxxxxx: ok. well i need to go. i'll speak to you again tomorrow
[20:42] love_yayo: Okay..
[20:42] love_yayo: So what are we going to do about that ?
[20:42] xxxxxx: we can deal with it as soon as you get me his price list
[20:43] love_yayo: Okay..
[20:43] love_yayo: The i well try and get u him mail adderss so that u can mail him and ask him for the amount of that Right.
[20:44] xxxxxx: ok. speak to you tomorrow. bye

[15:53] love_yayo: Honey....I was here to ask u that what place do u wnat me to Do it....Cose i have gone ther to see them and they are read for u to contact them Urself..
[15:53] love_yayo: So that they can prove u with the Payment paper..
[15:54] love_yayo: Thank u
[15:54] love_yayo: Take Care..

Click here for part 5